Friday, October 19, 2012

Calf tightness and achilles tendonitis

Basketball season is around the corner. Achilles tendonitis, calf tightness, and foot pain respond well with chiropractic care and kinesio taping methods.

In Health and Wellness!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Have you had your feet adjusted today?

In general, most of us take 3,000-5,000 steps per day. In addition, many of us participate in activities, such as running and aerobic exercise, that add many more steps, as well as stress to our poor, overworked feet. Is it any wonder then why many people have aches and pains in their feet? Components such as flat feet or over-pronated feet, individual walking and running style, and the type of shoe a person wears can determine if an individual will experience foot and ankle pain. These determinants not only affect feet and ankles, but also the health of the back, knees and legs.

In Health and Wellness!

Monday, October 8, 2012

October is National Chiropractic Month!

Chiropractic has been a healthcare discipline around since 1895.  Many patients have benefited from chiropractic care with various health conditions.  The link below is a guide answering questions about chiropractic, providing suggestions to better health, and ways to improve "your game". 

At Integrated Health and Wellness Center, we see every patient, young and "mature" as athletes.  We have goals to allow you to return to "your game" while stabilizing your condition to improve function and activity level. 

If you have further questions or need health advice, please call the office today or email us at:

In Health and Wellness!